Historian and Mystic
The concept of magic and the supernatural has excited and inspired me since I was a child. I grew up reading Harry Potter and making up my own fantasy worlds, practicing spells and looking for the Something More I knew was out there.
As I got older, I started to learn what people in the real world practice when it comes to magic and spirituality. Every civilization, every culture has some form of magical practice, from the eccentric old lady who lives in the woods (#goals) to divinely sanctioned prophets who told fortunes to kings and queens.
My first exposure to the magical practice of antiquity was in a class I took in my undergrad program where we read stories about supernatural creatures and magical practitioners in Latin. In that class, I met the ghosts, werewolves, and witches of Roman literature, and it was like the stars had aligned! My eternal fascination with the occult and a lifelong love affair with Latin converged and I was hooked!
I got the opportunity to specialize in the literature of Greco-Roman magic in grad school, first in an MA program and later in an unfinished Ph.D. Now I want to share that with all of you! My goal is simple: to bridge the gap between modern practitioners of all kinds of magic and the often inaccessible scholarship on the subject.
I hope to make this website, as well as the associated YouTube and Instagram pages, a resource for studying ancient practices, for finding the magic in everyday life, and for sharing my journey.
Let’s connect the past with the practical and discover the magic in our world.
~ Kate Preble Lupu